Friday, January 15, 2010

Tenth Walk - Bad Very Bad

Where: Treadmill - Home
Time: 9:40
Miles: .35
Speed: 2.2 - 1.7

Reflection: Again after two half miles I was thinking of taking today off. But I really wanted to walk due to I think my face is re-shaping. I think my neck/chin area looks different. Also, I could just be looking for things for a little encouragement to continue this painful journey.

I had to take the treadmill down to 1.7 due to extreme pain on the top of my left foot. I was trying to make 10:00 but the was too intense I had to STOP!!! BOOO!! I mean my dad who is overweight diabetic was home this morning watching me walk...I was hoping my walking bug would attach to him. We will have to see...besides when I stopped he was telling me I was walking too fast!!! WTH? I was walking at a power walk pace plus the treadmills runs better I think around 2.0 or higher. This summer when I walk the local trails or the neighborhood....I am not going to walk and smell the roses... I am power walking. Haha!

I maybe back this weekend to post or I may just take the weekend off.

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